
Showing posts from June, 2020

Nutrition facts

Nutrition;is the process of acquiring food materials in the body for its normal functioning like growth, metabolism, repair and healing. Nutrition moves hand in hand with with diet Diet is a meal that can be taken in the body for general purposes. There's also " Balanced diet" which literally means a meal containing all food contents needs for proper body growth and functioning in right amounts. Percentage plans a balanced diet as  by the body for it's proper human growth and functioning ; Water:being a universal solvent it is much required by the body for proper growth and function Proteins sometimes it's called grow food which is very important in body growth and repairing the worn out body tissues. Vitamins which are also some times called glow foods and the protective foods that defend the body against any intruder or against any body infection or diseases.And under nutrition science, vitamins are further divided into different classes like; vitamin A,B¹,B²,...

Malnutrition in Children and adults

Malnutrition is a physical body weakness and poor health brought about by having less quantities of most valued food needed for body proper growth and functioning. Signs and symptoms of Malnutrition Signs are listed first then we shall have more explanation about each point. Stunted growth especially in infants in the range of 1month to 6 years. Poor body formation like you might find rickets,and other body complications. Prone to very many other diseases because the body Lacks what can protect it against any infection. General body weakness especially in the morning hours. Anaemia in most cases People are malnutrited don't have enough blood in the body.Port belled stomachs or sometimes heads too big not proportional to the body. Poor borne formation because requirements for proper borne formation might be lacking in the diet. Dehydration. Poor and low hair growth. Sunken eyes Malnutrition is caused by a number of factors of which others are inborn and others are environmental as ...

Growth disorder in children.

A family is a group of people related by blood,marriage,adoption or service. Unlike in the past, family nowadays has different meaning slightly different from what we anciently used to know because family nowadays contains very many individuals, like children brothers , sisters, other relatives (related by blood),wives, inlaws,(by marriage), children of friends , (adoption),maids, shamba workers, drivers and other workers (service). Achild is any body still under the Care of parents and can't be allowed to decide by law without parents conscience. Family related problems that can hinder child growth especially below the age of 10 years.  Here are some of the listed problems. Divorce Poor feeding Parents neglegence. Poverty Ignorance Age of parents Environment Parents income Parents education level Parents mind set Drug use in some parents

Youth related problems in Life.

Youth is the time in the life of an individual between childhood and adulthood which usually starts in adolescence age. A youth is a boy or girl who has reached the time of differentiating between childhood and adulthood which usually happens at the age of adolescence. And adolescence in life 8s the time between childhood age and adulthood. Adolescence in different individuals starts in different intervals in life with different characteristics. When someone starts thinking and putting a difference between childhood and adulthood, he or she faces different challenges in life which we are going to look at today as explained below; Teasing and bullying depending on which environment but this is very common to youths who have changed the environment say schools, work places and many others. Unemployment;this is a very big challenge in the lives of youths regardless of whether educated or non educated. Sexual desires;being that people are changing from childhood to adulthood,they experien...

Ways of avoiding teenage pregnancies:

Counseling and guidance sessions should be boosted at all levels right from home, Churches, schools, and any other place of children gatherings Strict laws against the act especially to those of cross generation sex. Children should always be helped to grow up in church manners. Teaching children precautionary measures that can help avoid pregnancy. Parents should always dress decently when children are around Improvement on accomodations structures and parents should avoid sharing bed rooms with grown up children. Parents should check on which business to involve in when children grow up. Moderated tv and radio program for children Keep children in schools. Teaching teenagers on proper means of spending their leisure. Teenagers and all children should be taught the disadvantages of teenage pregnancy. 

Negative effects of teenage pregnancy facts.

Deaths of both mother and the baby Increased cases of birth complications Easy spread of diseases Imprisonment of especially boys Parmanent damages especially to side of the boy teenager this happens when parents of the girl teenager decide to take the case to Police and proceeds to courts of law, in the process of the parents to the teenage boy trying to pay fines, it leaves a big loss in the family sometimes others sell off their Land or other valuable property to pay the fines. Hatred Low development Un planned increased population in such areas. Early marriages Loss of parents love between either parents. .

Causes of teenage pregnancy

T een; Literally means between thirteen and nineteen (13 _19). Teenage:this means the age of an individual between thirteen years of age and nineteen years of age. Then ateenager, is that young person (boy or girl) between or within the age category of thirteen and nineteen. You find some elites mixing teenage with youth which is not correct, because a youth might be that person from the age of twenty to sometimes thirty five or abit smaller than that depending on the community perspective . Pregnancy:In humans , pregnancy is when afemale eggs (ovam) is fertilized by a male egg (sperm) after a successful sexual intercourse. After fertilisation it's believed that implantation takes place on the walls of the uterus which later develops into a placenter, embryo which eventually becomes a baby in humans.  Below is a list of some major causes of teenage pregnancy in most areas. Here we shall first list them then later we will have them fully explained; Peer pressure in teenagers. Dru...

How to eradicate poverty in people's homes

How to eradicate poverty in people's homes; Tips to eradicate poverty are first going to be listed then after I elaborate one by one as seen below: 1,Financial training to all school going age children . 2, Diversification of the economy. 3, Education and immunization with nutrition knowledge to solve diseases. 4, Start with the small available material to generate the big . 5,Have a variety of items for sell to capture the market. 6, Guiding youths to change their mind set. 7,Through TV and radio programs educate youths on how to plan for their income. 8, Introduction of money management policy to curb  poor saving culture in the people. 9, Spiritual ties solving it by encouraging the youths to visit churches for guidance and spiritual prayers. 10,wars can be solved through peacetalks People can stop fighting 11,political instability.. through peace talks

Causes of poverty

Poverty is caused by very many factors among which are as seen below; Ignorance Ignorance in most cases cause poverty in very many communities like most people are having very many resources that can help them fight poverty but due to the factor of ignorance,many have remained poor . Climatic conditions In some cases climate in some societies contribute greatly to people remaining in poverty.Some one might set his goals to be achieved in a certain period of time of which he would prefer doing it in a rainy  season or dry season and he finds himself when the climate doesn't favour. Family background; In some cases some people are poor because of their families like you might find a member of a certain family of around 35 and above members all depending on one person who might be employed...... So that expenditure on such a family can not leave money with such a person.  Disease factors; In most cases some areas and communities have remained poor because of some diseases in a ...