Causes of poverty
Poverty is caused by very many factors among which are as seen below;
Ignorance in most cases cause poverty in very many communities like most people are having very many resources that can help them fight poverty but due to the factor of ignorance,many have remained poor .
Climatic conditions
In some cases climate in some societies contribute greatly to people remaining in poverty.Some one might set his goals to be achieved in a certain period of time of which he would prefer doing it in a rainy
season or dry season and he finds himself when the climate doesn't favour.
Family background;
In some cases some people are poor because of their families like you might find a member of a certain family of around 35 and above members all depending on one person who might be employed...... So that expenditure on such a family can not leave money with such a person.
Disease factors;
In most cases some areas and communities have remained poor because of some diseases in a way that a person who would spend money on developing, will eventually spend money treating his body or nursing his sick beloved ones.. And also those who are bed ridden are not able to work because a sick body is a weak body which can't work suchlike people can't get rich.
Some members in some communities remain poor because they are not employed in their areas of specialisation. And such a person will always be disgusted and can't think of how to get money which will promote poverty.
Lack of market;
Some people have remained poor because of lacking where to sell their produces. If a person is a farmer, and fails to get market such products will eventually go bad yet the farmers might have invested a lot of money in the process which can't be recovered when market is not available.
Some people have remained in very poor state because of the way some people choose to think. Some one might be having all that others have used to generate wealth, but for him or her remains poor and does not see any opportunity in what he has which makes such a poor and poorest due to way he thinks.
Poor planning;
In some instances some people forget or others don't know how to plan and put a difference between priority and non priority items like someone can get money which money would be invested into a certain business that would generate some profits and boost the income but you instead find such a person buying expensive cloths, going to bars, taking friends for outings and very many others which promotes poverty.
Poor saving culture;
One wise person said that money saved, is money gained... If we all had a proper saving culture, no body would be very poor because everyone can have money enough to do any simple business that would eventually become a bigger business.. but very few people understand the value of saving
Spiritual ties;
Some families are poor due to the factor of ancestral spirits which some times don't allow people to work harder and become rich. For instance a person who would get some money sometimes spirits come in form of disease attacks, accidents and very many other losses which end up discouraging people from work to get money.
Inflation can bring about poverty in some communities where some people who might have invested their cash in money trading time comes when high value money that people have invested in their cash when it has completely lost value to not even a quarter of what was used as capital hence leaving people in total poverty.
In some cases when a war starts in an area where people have their businesses, a big loss can be realized and a lot of resources are destroyed during the time of a war. Let's take an example of a war which happened in Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries. Very many people become poor and unemployed due to such wars . So wars are also big factors towards the causes of poverty in areas where they happened.
Political instability;
Where politics is not stable, very many people suffer dump poverty......
Location and environmental factor
Lifestyle factor,
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